Pastor Livenson Lauvanus
Contact Pastor Livenson Lauvanus
Pastor Joseph Livenson Lauvanus of Haiti and Emmanuel Lutheran Church have had a long and close relationship. He was born and raised in Haiti. After meeting several members from the Florida-Bahamas Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) he was inspired to attend seminary and served his internship at Emmanuel in 2008. His ready smile and deep faith led many of our members to become close to him, and until Covid struck in 2020 he visited us regularly and we were able to hear his inspiring messages. As a congregation over the last 25 years, we have cared deeply for Livenson, his family, and especially his ministry. We were gladdened when he married and when he sent pictures of his two children. Livenson is now the president of L’Eglise Lutherienne d’Haiti, with nearly 35 churches in the poorest and most distant parts of the country.
Haiti is extremely poor, struggling now with widespread violence. In addition to spreading the Gospel, Livenson also works tirelessly to empower both the people and the church. Projects done in conjunction with the Florida-Bahamas Synod include providing goats to families and erecting solar panels at the Lutheran Center in Gressier. While the Synod supports his work, the stipend that supports Livenson’s own living expenses is provided by a fund set up by Emmanuel. We hope to replenish this fund in order to support Livenson as he spreads God’s word.
Learn more about the Synod’s relationship with Haiti here: Haiti | Florida-Bahamas Synod (fbsynod.com)
Bohdan Hroboň - President of CCE
For 40 years, due to the communist regime, people in Slovakia could not freely adhere to Christian principles, let alone acknowledge Christian education as an important value. The life of the church was narrowed to ministry by pastors only. Lay ministry was unwelcomed and any efforts in the area of church growth were stopped radically. Due to the damaging effects of communism on people´s belief system, many families have almost completely wandered away from the church. Spiritual poverty and lack of values has become a common feature in many lives. So in 1998 CCE was established. The Center for Christian Education is a place where the people of all ages can learn and experience the love of Christ. We wish to spread the gospel in the post-communist part of the world and to reintroduce a church which is faithful to its calling and relevant in today´s society. We aim to do this via excellent quality education focused on theology, social ministry and mission. As the war in Ukraine continues, CCE has assisted with refugees of all ages.
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